The remote location of Roseau Municipal Airport—about 10 miles south of the Canadian border—makes it a vital link for both industry and healthcare. Read more about this airport in the latest issue of Briefings, the AirTAP newsletter.
The remote location of Roseau Municipal Airport—about 10 miles south of the Canadian border—makes it a vital link for both industry and healthcare. Read more about this airport in the latest issue of Briefings, the AirTAP newsletter.
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TRB is hosting a free webinar on Aug. 6, 2025, on ways to address the aviation labor shortage by fostering the next generation of pilots, mechanics, airport managers, and other aviation professionals.
To help the airport industry identify best practices for communicable disease response planning, the ACRP is developing a guidebook with input from airport and public health officials. To gather data, ACRP will be hosting a workshop in Minneapolis on July 22.
AirTAP is a statewide assistance program for aviation personnel that offers education and information resources, training programs, technical assistance, access to experts, and printed materials.
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AirTAP | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN 55455 | Location & Contact Information